BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Атлас самородного золота Северо-Востока СССР...
Атлас самородного золота Северо-Востока СССР - Прейс В.К., Савва Н.Е. 1990 PDF Наука, Москва BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 7.50


Атлас самородного золота Северо-Востока СССР
Author: Прейс В.К., Савва Н.Е.
Year: 1990
Format: PDF
File size: 60 MB
Language: RU

Atlas illustrates the typomorphic features of native gold of the North-East of the USSR. The text part briefly describes the features of the metallogeny of the region, methodological issues of studying gold, its features in various geological structures, provides a set of mineralogical criteria for searching for placers and their primary sources. Color and black and white photographs provide a visual representation of the diversity of morphology of structures and mineral associations of native gold and are accompanied by their detailed characteristics. The atlas is intended for geologists, mineralogists, enrichers, as well as teachers and students of geological faculties.

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