BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Элементы механизмов. 2-е изд.
Элементы механизмов. 2-е изд. - Кожевников С.Н., Есипенко Я.И., Раскин Я.М. 1956 DJVU ОБОРОНГИЗ BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 8.62


Элементы механизмов. 2-е изд.
Author: Кожевников С.Н., Есипенко Я.И., Раскин Я.М.
Year: 1956
Format: DJVU
File size: 21 MB
Language: RU

The book contains a description of 3169 mechanisms and their elements used in machines of various industries, as well as a description of elements and equipment of automatic devices. For many mechanisms, calculation formulas are given in final form to facilitate design. The book can serve as a reference guide for designers, technologists and other engineering and technical workers of factories, technological and design institutes, and can also be useful for students when designing mechanisms and machines.

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