BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - Очевидное? Нет, еще неизведанное
Очевидное? Нет, еще неизведанное - В. Смилга 1966 FB2 Молодая гвардия BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
USDt 8.47


Очевидное? Нет, еще неизведанное
Author: В. Смилга
Year: 1966
Format: FB2
File size: 11,8 MB
Language: RU

The spectacular name may be intriguing, but of course it doesn't explain anything. And this book tells quite seriously about what physics has achieved from the time of Galileo to Einstein, about the phenomena of the ancients, like the world, and, apparently, everyone knows, and ultimately - about the special theory of relativity.

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