BOOKS - CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - Фундаменты городских транспортных сооружений...
Фундаменты городских транспортных сооружений -  1985 DJVU Транспорт BOOKS CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR
USDt 7.98


Фундаменты городских транспортных сооружений
Year: 1985
Format: DJVU
File size: 14МВ
Language: RU

The structures are described, the calculation is given and the technology for the construction of foundations for transport structures in difficult conditions of close city development is described. Shallow foundations and pile, retaining walls, portals, ramps, walls in the ground, as well as strengthening of the foundations of operated buildings, fastening of deep pits, technical reclamation of the foundations are considered. The book is intended for engineering and technical workers of design and construction transport organizations, it can be useful for students of construction specialties of transport universities.

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