BOOKS - SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT - Шахматная тактика Как перестать зевать и ошибаться...
Шахматная тактика Как перестать зевать и ошибаться - Безгодов А.М. 2019 PDF Ростов-на-Дону Феникс BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT
USDt 7.81


Шахматная тактика Как перестать зевать и ошибаться
Author: Безгодов А.М.
Year: 2019
Format: PDF
File size: 39 MB
Language: RU

The book of the famous chess writer, coach, international grandmaster Alexei Bezgodov is entirely devoted to solving the most difficult problem of chess - the fight against blunders. The focus is on prevention so that a phenomenon such as yawns prevents players from achieving high results as little as possible.

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