BOOKS - CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - Строительные конструкции. Металлические, каменные, ...
Строительные конструкции. Металлические, каменные, армокаменные конструкции. Конструкции из дерева и пластмасс. Основания и фундаменты - Цай Т.Н., Бородич М.К., Мандриков А.П. 2012 (3-е изд., стер.) PDF Лань BOOKS CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR
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Строительные конструкции. Металлические, каменные, армокаменные конструкции. Конструкции из дерева и пластмасс. Основания и фундаменты
Author: Цай Т.Н., Бородич М.К., Мандриков А.П.
Year: 2012 (3-е изд., стер.)
Format: PDF
File size: 25 MB

Physical and mechanical properties of building wood, advantages and disadvantages of wood as a building material are considered. Instructions are given to protect wooden structures from fires and biological damage. The basics of design, calculation, manufacture and operation of wood structures are described, taking into account the requirements of applicable regulatory documents. Structural features of solid, through and spatial wooden structures are described. The main principles and methods of reinforcement of wooden structures are considered.

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