BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - АнтиБожественная комедия. Серия из 6 книг...
АнтиБожественная комедия. Серия из 6 книг - Гектор Шульц 2019 FB2  BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
US $7.98

АнтиБожественная комедия. Серия из 6 книг
Author: Гектор Шульц
Year: 2019
Format: FB2
File size: 12 MB
Genre: Киберпанк, Юмористическая фантастика, Фэнтези

Please, this is not a good story. There are stories that Hell is, Paradise is, and Purgatory, what a sin to conceal, too. The story is replete with black devil humor, profanity, shocking descriptions, demons of all stripes and terrible torture. But, as in every story, this one has its own special sacred meaning, which can only be revealed to a truly enlightened person who soberly looks at life.

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