BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Управление цепями поставок в транспортном комплексе...
Управление цепями поставок в транспортном комплексе - Некрасов А.Г., Миротин Л.Б., Меланич Е.В., Некрасова М.А. 2012 PDF "Горячая линия-Телеком" BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
USDt 6.67


Управление цепями поставок в транспортном комплексе
Author: Некрасов А.Г., Миротин Л.Б., Меланич Е.В., Некрасова М.А.
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 14,78 MB
Language: RU

The problems of system supply chain management and the use of integrated logistics methods in relation to the innovative sector of the Russian economy - the transport complex are considered. New approaches to the application of methods for identifying processes and risks based on international standards, the latest information technologies, as well as the latest concept of supply chain security management are presented.

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