BOOKS - OS AND DB - Supporting Windows 8 Featuring the Latest Windows 8.1 Release
Supporting Windows 8 Featuring the Latest Windows 8.1 Release - Jean Andrews 2014 PDF Cengage Learning BOOKS OS AND DB
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Supporting Windows 8 Featuring the Latest Windows 8.1 Release
Author: Jean Andrews
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 51 MB
Language: ENG

SUPPORTING WINDOWS 8 is an essential resource for current and aspiring PC repair technicians who need to know up-to-date information on how to support the latest Windows operating systems.This Microsoft Windows 8 supplement is designed to use in conjunction with A+ GUIDE TO MANAGING AND MAINTAINING YOUR PC, Eighth Edition, or A+ GUIDE TO SOFTWARE, Sixth Edition. Wide-ranging and highly practical, the text provides thorough coverage of the differences between Windows 8, 7, and Vista; how to install and maintain Windows 8; and tools for troubleshooting network connections. The text also examines security tools and techniques relevant to Windows 8 and explains how to troubleshoot startup errors and slowdowns. Labs for each chapter focus on support tools and techniques for Windows 8 that differ from 7 and Vista.

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