-------------------- YOULIBR - Южный Урал в VII-XIV вв. Н.А. Мажитов PDF 1977 BOOKS HISTORY yuzhnyy-ural-v-vii-xiv-vv
BOOKS - HISTORY - Южный Урал в VII-XIV вв.
Южный Урал в VII-XIV вв. - Н.А. Мажитов 1977 PDF Наука BOOKS HISTORY
US $8.66

Южный Урал в VII-XIV вв.
Author: Н.А. Мажитов
Year: 1977
Number of pages: 240
Format: PDF
File size: 36.9 MB
Language: RU

The monograph, based on archaeological, written, anthropological sources, examines the ethnic history and culture of the population of the Southern Urals of the early Middle Ages; based on the widespread use of new archaeological materials, written data, sources, folklore of the Bashkirs, the economy and religious representations of the peoples of the region are considered.

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