BOOKS - HISTORY - Историки России конца XIX - начала XXI века. Биобиблиографический с...
Историки России конца XIX - начала XXI века. Биобиблиографический словарь. Том 3. П-Я - Чернобаев А.А. 2017 PDF М. Собрание BOOKS HISTORY
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Историки России конца XIX - начала XXI века. Биобиблиографический словарь. Том 3. П-Я
Author: Чернобаев А.А.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 46 MB
Language: RU

The third volume of the bibliographic dictionary contains brief information about more than 1250 domestic historians of the late XIX - early XXI centuries in the letters P-Z. Data on the life path of scientists, their education, specialization, teachers, dissertation research, basic works, literature about them are given.

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