BOOKS - HISTORY - Кочевники южно-русских степей в эпоху средневековья IV - XIII века...
Кочевники южно-русских степей в эпоху средневековья IV - XIII века -  2003 PDF Воронеж Воронежского государственного университета BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 6.56


Кочевники южно-русских степей в эпоху средневековья IV - XIII века
Year: 2003
Format: PDF
File size: 7,59 МB
Language: RU

The book examines the historical fate of the population of the South Russian steppes for almost a thousand years: migrations, economic activity, ideological ideas, funeral rites, issues of chronology, interaction and contacts with the settled population, primarily with the Slavic ethnic group, and others. The richest illustrative material helps to reveal and understand the main points.

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