AUDIOBOOKS - MISCELLANEOUS - Похудеть навсегда или путь к красоте тела через здоровье...
Похудеть навсегда или путь к красоте тела через здоровье (Аудиокнига) -  2010 MP3 ООО"УОЦ"ПРОДТЕЧА"( МОСКВА) AUDIOBOOKS MISCELLANEOUS
USDt 8.98


Похудеть навсегда или путь к красоте тела через здоровье (Аудиокнига)
Year: 2010
Format: MP3
File size: 543МВ
Language: RU

This book will introduce you to the principles of the philosophy of healthy eating. They will help you lose weight without harming your health. In addition, the lost kilograms will never return again. Adopt these rules, and food will again be a pleasure for you. Hippocrates also said that all diseases from food and treat them with food. Diet is the only game in which victory is determined by loss.

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