BOOKS - HISTORY - В.Н. Татищев и социально-экономическое развитие России первой полов...
В.Н. Татищев и социально-экономическое развитие России первой половины XVIII в - Торопицын И. 2001 PDF Астрахань Изд-во Астраханского гос. пед. ун-та BOOKS HISTORY
US $8.86

В.Н. Татищев и социально-экономическое развитие России первой половины XVIII в
Author: Торопицын И.
Year: 2001
Number of pages: 252
Format: PDF
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

The monograph for the first time carried out a multidimensional study of the views and activities of an outstanding statesman of Russia in the first half of the 18th century. V.N. Tatishchev. Based on a wide range of sources, a significant part of which is first introduced into scientific circulation, the close relationship between the social and economic life of Russian society is considered. Characteristics of social, economic, interethnic views and projects of V.N. Tatishcheva. Its role is assessed in the development of science and technology, education and medicine, industry and trade, finance and taxes, in diplomacy, in lawmaking and other areas of state activity.

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