BOOKS - PAINTING AND DRAWING - Серия "Самоучитель по рисованию" из 3 книг...
Серия "Самоучитель по рисованию" из 3 книг - Чудова А.(ред.) 2017 PDF Москва BOOKS PAINTING AND DRAWING
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Серия "Самоучитель по рисованию" из 3 книг
Author: Чудова А.(ред.)
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 111 MB
Language: RU

Have you always wanted to learn to draw with pencils and paints, but thought that only professional artists could do it? This is not the case at all. The original author's technique, detailed step-by-step exercises and useful recommendations that you will learn from the books of the "Self-taught drawing" series will help you quickly and easily master the basics of drawing and painting and reveal your creative potential.

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