BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Настроение – за час как избавиться от депрессии. Полны...
Настроение – за час как избавиться от депрессии. Полный инструментарий для позитивного мышления
Author: Инна Макаренко
Year: 2019
Format: PDF | RTF
File size: 12,7 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2019
Format: PDF | RTF
File size: 12,7 MB
Language: RU
One hour a day can change your whole life. You can learn a lot in that short time. People who devote at least an hour daily to self-development are less likely to become depressed, achieve what they want 95% of the time and increase their income by 10% per year. In this book you will learn how to get rid of depression, stress, negative emotions and return the joy of life in one hour a day. Psychologist Inna Makarenko is convinced: depression comes when we put on the mask of a person who is one hundred percent successful, we begin to hide our shortcomings, be ashamed of our failures, hiding behind the fact that everything is fine with us. Accustomed to portraying what is not there - to play a role, we stop trusting ourselves, suppress our feelings and desires, live not our own lives, and thus create a depressive state step by step... The book consists of 30 chapters: from them you will learn about the correct life attitudes, working out internal conflicts and techniques for transforming negative situations. Read one chapter a day, complete tasks (it will take you one hour), and after 30 days you will not recognize yourself!