BOOKS - HISTORY - Домашний быт русских цариц в XVI и XVII столетиях...
Домашний быт русских цариц в XVI и XVII столетиях -  2014 PDF М. Институт русской цивилизации BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 7.74


Домашний быт русских цариц в XVI и XVII столетиях
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 4,06 МB
Language: RU

The book is unique in terms of the volume of material and the entertainment of the presentation. It is devoted to the analysis of the female personality and the status of women, including queens, in pre-Petrine times. The history of sovereign brides and marriages is considered. The morals of the royal court, the lifestyle of the Russian queens, outfits, receptions, and fun are described.

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