BOOKS - COOKING - Сами варим пиво пенное, квас, готовим чайный гриб...
Сами варим пиво пенное, квас, готовим чайный гриб - Денис Галимов 2011 FB2 | RTF Рипол Классик BOOKS COOKING
USDt 7.76


Сами варим пиво пенное, квас, готовим чайный гриб
Author: Денис Галимов
Year: 2011
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 13 MB
Language: RU

This book examines three seemingly completely unrelated drinks - beer, kvass and infusion of kombucha. We have combined them according to the presence of useful properties in each, the knowledge and use of which will improve their well-being in various diseases.

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