BOOKS - RELIGION - Догматические послания православных иерархов XVII - XIX веков о пр...
Догматические послания православных иерархов XVII - XIX веков о православной вере - Коллектив авторов 1995 PDF/DJVU Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра BOOKS RELIGION
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Догматические послания православных иерархов XVII - XIX веков о православной вере
Author: Коллектив авторов
Year: 1995
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 28 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Православие

The reader is offered dogmatic messages of Orthodox hierarchs of the XVII-XIX centuries about the Orthodox faith: confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church (1662), the message of the patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Church on the Orthodox faith (1723), the district message of the One, Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church to all Orthodox Christians (1848), the district patriarchal and synodal message of the Church of Constantinople regarding the encyclical of Leo XIII on the unification of the Churches from June 20, 1894 (1895).

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