BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Автоматические тормоза подвижного состава Учебник для уч...
Автоматические тормоза подвижного состава Учебник для учащихся техникумов ж.-д. трансп.— 4-е изд., пере-раб. и доп. - Крылов В. И., Крылов В. В. 1983 PDF М. Транспорт BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 6.96


Автоматические тормоза подвижного состава Учебник для учащихся техникумов ж.-д. трансп.— 4-е изд., пере-раб. и доп.
Author: Крылов В. И., Крылов В. В.
Year: 1983
Format: PDF
File size: 20,08 MB
Language: ENG

The book describes the design, operation and operation of automatic brakes of the rolling stock of the USSR railways and international wagons. The book was approved by the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Railways as a textbook for technical schools in the specialty "Diesel Locomotive Facilities," "Wagon Facilities" and "Electric Traction Facilities of Railways." It can also be used by students of technical schools of railway transport and employees related to the maintenance and repair of rolling stock brakes.

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