BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Фальсификации на выборах президента Российской Федерации 4 марта...
Фальсификации на выборах президента Российской Федерации 4 марта 2012 года - РОО Демократический выбор 2012 PDF Москва BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Фальсификации на выборах президента Российской Федерации 4 марта 2012 года
Author: РОО Демократический выбор
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 1 MB
Language: RU

RPO "Democratic Choice" sent more than 3,000 observers to polling stations in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation on March 4, 2012, mainly having in their hands the mandates of observers from M. Prokhorov and media certificates. A number also served as TEC and PEC members with casting votes. We also received a large number of reports of various violations and falsifications to our hotline about violations in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation on March 4, 2012.

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