BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Java устранение проблем. Чтение, отладка и оптимизация JVM-прил...
Java устранение проблем. Чтение, отладка и оптимизация JVM-приложений - Лауренциу Спилкэ 2023 PDF Язык Русский В этой книге представлены практические методики исследования и улучшения незнакомого ко BOOKS PROGRAMMING
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Java устранение проблем. Чтение, отладка и оптимизация JVM-приложений
Author: Лауренциу Спилкэ
Year: 2023
Format: PDF
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

This book presents practical techniques for researching and improving unfamiliar code. Learn how to identify hidden dependencies, pinpoint the root causes of critical application failures and crashes, and interpret unexpected results. Master profiling and debugging and start researching how Java applications actually work. The publication is suitable for medium-skilled Java developers." A book has finally been released that demonstrates how to fix problems and explore Java applications in a production environment! She can definitely save the day!" Atul Srinivas Hoth, SquareOne Insights

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