BOOKS - HISTORY - Дворцовые тайны. Царицы и царевны XVII века...
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Дворцовые тайны. Царицы и царевны XVII века
Year: Размер 15,32 МбВ книге воссоздана широкая панорама важнейших исторических событий в России, показана
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The book recreates a wide panorama of the most important historical events in Russia, shows the life of queens and princesses of the 17th century. For the first time, a bright and capacious image of Boris Godunov's wife Maria Skuratova-Belskaya, who became ruler after the death of her husband, the unfortunate half-tsar Maria Buinosova, who did a lot to perpetuate the memory of the unpopular Tsar Vasily Shuisky, Evdokia Streshneva, who ensured the continuity of the tsarist dynasty, and others. There are also portraits of more famous heroines in the book: sung in folk songs by Princess Ksenia, Marina Mnishek - the wife of two impostors, the smart and energetic princess Sophia. At the same time, both the complex vicissitudes of the life of each of the heroines and their inner world, character, relationships with children, husband, relatives are revealed.