BOOKS - HISTORY - Аўтаномія Беларусі
Аўтаномія Беларусі - Лёсік Я. 1917 PDF МІНСК. Друкарня Н. М. Нахумова. BOOKS HISTORY
US $7.80

Аўтаномія Беларусі
Author: Лёсік Я.
Year: 1917
Number of pages: 20
Format: PDF
File size: 20.75 MB
Language: BelRU

the Gety kn_zhachka you nya znoydzeets n_ ў a water b_bl_yatetsa on Belarus і, navat at "spetskhrana" "Len_nk і" і "Akademk і". Tyrage znіshchany yashche ў 1922. "Book Lesika" A¸tanom_ya Belarus і" was forbidden to distribution as "shov_n_st_chesky character" 26XII-22 of g". - pavedamlya ў chek_st Apansk_ to a sakratar of the Central Committee of KPBb Kryn_tskamu.

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