BOOKS - HISTORY - Комиссия по истории знаний. 1921-1932 гг. Из истории организации ис...
Комиссия по истории знаний. 1921-1932 гг. Из истории организации историко-научных исследований в Академии наук - В.М. Орел, Г.И. Смагина (сост.) 2003 DJVU Наука BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 6.68


Комиссия по истории знаний. 1921-1932 гг. Из истории организации историко-научных исследований в Академии наук
Author: В.М. Орел, Г.И. Смагина (сост.)
Year: 2003
Format: DJVU
File size: 16 MB
Language: RU

The collection contains 301 archival documents on the history of the organization of historical and scientific research at the Academy of Sciences from 1921 to 1932. Most of the documents were put into scientific circulation for the first time. The main attention is paid to the activities of the Commission on the History of Knowledge - the first special scientific organization in Russia to study the history of science and technology until its transformation on February 28, 1932 into the Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

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