BOOKS - WEB-CREATION - Клиентские технологии веб-дизайна. HTML5 и CSS3...
Клиентские технологии веб-дизайна. HTML5 и CSS3 - Диков А.В. 2019 PDF OCR Лань BOOKS WEB-CREATION
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Клиентские технологии веб-дизайна. HTML5 и CSS3
Author: Диков А.В.
Year: 2019
Format: PDF OCR
File size: 35 MB
Language: RU

The Multi-Part Tutorial is a complete training course on client-side web design technologies that includes training material with many examples and grouped by topic assignments for practical work. The first half of the training course is devoted to mastering the basic web technologies of markup and stylization, without which it is impossible to learn Internet programming. The second half of the course contains educational material on the web programming language on the j & # 097; vascript client side and the powerful client technology for developing web DOM applications. The course does not include web server technologies, the level of complexity and volume of which require additional training hours in the curriculum of educational institutions.

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