BOOKS - PHOTOSHOP AND GRAPHICS - Компас-3D v11. Эффективный самоучитель...
Компас-3D v11. Эффективный самоучитель
Author: А. Доронин, Н. Жарков, М. Минеев, Р. Прокди
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 118 MB
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 118 MB
This book is an excellent self-taught design in Compass-3D v11, allowing you to master the work with this program from scratch (both 2D and 3D design). All stages of working with Compass-3D v11 are considered: from the initial setting of drawing parameters, drawing and editing them, to creating parametrically related objects (when changing one leads to automatic change of the other), creating a product specification, plotting, etc. In the course of the presentation, recommendations are given and tools are described to improve the quality and speed of building.