BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Тепловые и атомные электростанции Справочник...
Тепловые и атомные электростанции Справочник - Клименко А.В., Зорин В.М. (ред.) 2007 - 4-е изд. PDF М. МЭИ BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Тепловые и атомные электростанции Справочник
Author: Клименко А.В., Зорин В.М. (ред.)
Year: 2007 - 4-е изд.
Format: PDF
File size: 38 MB
Language: RU

This reference book - the 3rd book of the reference series "Heat Engineering and Heat Engineering" includes information on the main and auxiliary equipment of organic and nuclear fuel power plants, which provides for the generation and conversion of thermal energy, including the treatment of the working fluid - water, as well as electrical equipment. The second edition of the reference book was published in 1989, the third edition was revised and supplemented taking into account the achievements of science and technology.

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