BOOKS - HISTORY - Взаимодействие народов Евразии в эпоху великого переселения народов...
Взаимодействие народов Евразии в эпоху великого переселения народов - сборник 2006 DJVU Удмуртский государственный университет BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 7.54


Взаимодействие народов Евразии в эпоху великого переселения народов
Author: сборник
Year: 2006
Format: DJVU
File size: 45.0 MB
Language: RU

The collection contains materials from the international scientific symposium "The Great Migration of Peoples is one of the most important factors determining the new stage of interaction and tolerance of the peoples of Eurasia" (Izhevsk, 29.07-01.08.2003) and the international scientific and practical conference "Models of interaction of the peoples of Eurasia in the era of the great migration of peoples" (Izhevsk, 22-24.06.2005). The era of the great migration of the peoples of Eurasia, which led to gigantic movements of the population in different directions, to a change in the ethnic map of many regions, is one of the most important periods for understanding the process and mechanisms of the emergence of tolerance among the peoples living in this territory. She influenced all major areas of population life and the manifestation of adaptive behavioral mechanisms to preserve the ethnic core of cultures. Understanding the essence of the phenomenon of tolerance as a historical phenomenon is of great importance in the light of the problems of interaction between different cultures and ethnic groups, the history of the formation of modern peoples, and the study of the experience of adapting specific groups of the population in the emerging space of multiculturalism.

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