BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Курс теоретической механики. Ч. II. Динамика...
Курс теоретической механики. Ч. II. Динамика - Яблонский А.А. 1971 - Четвертое издание, допол. PDF М. Высшая школа BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 7.96


Курс теоретической механики. Ч. II. Динамика
Author: Яблонский А.А.
Year: 1971 - Четвертое издание, допол.
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

The fourth edition of the textbook has been compiled in full accordance with the new course program. In this regard, the section of analytical mechanics is somewhat expanded. Additionally, canonical equations, the Hamilton principle and a number of other issues of the new program are included.

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