BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Проектирование тяговых электрических машин...
Проектирование тяговых электрических машин - Находкин М.Д., Василенко Г.В., Бочаров В.И., Козорезов М.А. 1976 PDF М., «Транспорт» BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Проектирование тяговых электрических машин
Author: Находкин М.Д., Василенко Г.В., Бочаров В.И., Козорезов М.А.
Year: 1976
Format: PDF
File size: 35,39 MB
Language: RU

The book describes the design procedure for DC and pulsating current traction motors, including those with a non-magnetic active armature layer, as well as brushless asynchronous and valve motors. The process of transient processes in collector traction engines is described and the method of their calculation on computers is given. General design principles, electromagnetic, ventilation, thermal and mechanical calculations are given.

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