BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Информатика. Общий курс
Информатика. Общий курс - Гуда А.Н., Бутакова М.А., Нечитайло Н.М., Чернов А.В. 2010 PDF М. Дашков и К°; Ростов н/Д Наука-Спектр BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
USDt 7.85


Информатика. Общий курс
Author: Гуда А.Н., Бутакова М.А., Нечитайло Н.М., Чернов А.В.
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 12.8 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is intended for studying courses "Informatics," "Informatics and Programming" in higher educational institutions. The content of the textbook corresponds to the didactic units of standards of higher professional education established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

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