BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Диаграммы в Excel
Диаграммы в Excel - Уокенбах Дж. 2003 DJVU М., СПб., К. Издательский дом "Вильямс" BOOKS PROGRAMMING
USDt 7.53


Диаграммы в Excel
Author: Уокенбах Дж.
Year: 2003
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

Considering MS Excel XP (2002). This book is currently the only comprehensive guide to creating charts using Excel graphics. The book details the types of charts, how to create, format and customize them, troubleshoot charts, interactive charts, add trend lines, smooth and predict dependencies, animate and automate charts using Visual Basic, and other issues. The topics in question are illustrated by numerous example diagrams.

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