BOOKS - FOREIGN LANGUAGES - Лессі / Lassie Pre-Intermediate A2 Level
Лессі / Lassie <i>Pre-Intermediate A2 Level</i> - Eric Knight / Ерік Найт / Вікторія Довганець 2021 PDF/DJVU  BOOKS FOREIGN LANGUAGES
USDt 7.56


Лессі / Lassie Pre-Intermediate A2 Level
Author: Eric Knight / Ерік Найт / Вікторія Довганець
Year: 2021
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 44,9 MB
Language: english/українська (пояснення, завдання)

This book contains the adapted text of the famous novel Lassie Returns Home (1940), written by Anglo-American writer and screenwriter Eric Knight (1897-1943), who gave the world the image of Kolya Lassie, one of the most popular dog heroines in cinema. This is a story about loyalty and love. Joe, the son of an English miner, considered himself the happiest, all the dog breeders envied him, because there were no such thoroughbred circles in all of England. Every day Lassie came to school to meet him, but one day she did not come..

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