BOOKS - CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - Потолки своими руками
Потолки своими руками - Сбитнева Е. 2004 FB2 | RTF Язык русский станет прекрасным пособием для тех, кто собирается делать ремонт в доме, в частности са BOOKS CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR
USDt 7.72


Потолки своими руками
Author: Сбитнева Е.
Year: 2004
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

The publication will be an excellent tool for those who are going to make repairs in the house, in particular, independently repair the ceilings. The book contains all the necessary information about building materials and mortars; detailed instructions on ceiling installation and repair are given. Until relatively recently, ceiling repairs were carried out as follows: ceilings were blurred, patched, whitewashed or wallpaper pasted.

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