BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Таинственные маги рынка. Лучшие трейдеры, о которые ...
Таинственные маги рынка. Лучшие трейдеры, о которые вы никогда не слышали - Джек Д. Швагер 2022 FB2 | RTF Альпина Паблишер BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
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Таинственные маги рынка. Лучшие трейдеры, о которые вы никогда не слышали
Author: Джек Д. Швагер
Year: 2022
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

Jack D. Schwager is a recognized industry expert on futures and hedge funds, and the author of the iconic "Market Mages" series. In his new book, he interviewed many legendary traders, analysts, market makers and fund managers. In the book, you will find useful information that will help novice traders find their strategy in the market, and for professionals will discover new methods and tactics developed by Schwager's interlocutors - behind the impressive results of many of them there are painful experiences and major failures.

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