BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Больная лошадь. Советы о том, как лечить ее...
Больная лошадь. Советы о том, как лечить ее -  1902 PDF Типография Товарищества И.Д. Сытина (Москва) BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
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Больная лошадь. Советы о том, как лечить ее
Year: 1902
Format: PDF
File size: 52,78 MB
Language: RU (pre-reform)

Rossіya represents many blagoprіyatnykh uslovіy for razvedenіya horses - in huge spaces? ey can you stand up? sushchestvuyushchіya in mіr? breeds, starting from the smallest and ending with huge and strong heavy trucks. In this otnoshenіi, drugіya countries can envy her. The number of horses in Rossіi, according to sv?d?nіyam for 1897, was almost 29 millіonam heads; they would be even more, if not so often there were crop failures of fodder, bol? zn and cases, which annually cause enormous losses to the naselenіyu, depriving it of labor, and sometimes even cause the death of people, for example, from Snbr ulcer, glanders, etc. Who is close to the village?, do you know how the horse goes to the farms?, especially the peasant, do you know kakіya losses have to be incurred in every case? the refusal of the horse to work at a hot time, and, between t? m, big? s sometimes very simple, it would be easy for them to get rid of it by their own means, but for this they need? n? which ponyatіe about the big? s horse, and most importantly about the reasons that cause them..

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