BOOKS - HISTORY - Давня історія України. Навч. посібник. У 2 книгах...
Давня історія України. Навч. посібник. У 2 книгах - Толочко П. П., Козак Д. Н., Крижицький С. Д. 1994 DJVU К., Либідь BOOKS HISTORY
US $9.98

Давня історія України. Навч. посібник. У 2 книгах
Author: Толочко П. П., Козак Д. Н., Крижицький С. Д.
Year: 1994
Number of pages: 341+225
Format: DJVU
File size: 76,3 MБ
Language: UA

Textbook "Ancient History of Ukraine is published in two books. The first covers the period from the Paleolithic to the Scythian-Sarmatian and ancient times, the second - from the birth of Slavs to the era of Kievan Rus inclusive. The publication was prepared by the team of authors consisting of: Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine P.P. Tolochko ("Preface" - Prince. and; subdivisions 1 - 2, 4 - 5, 9 of section 2, "Conclusions" - book 2), Doctor of Historical Sciences D.Ya. Telegin (Section 1 - Book 1), Doctor of Historical Sciences V.Yu. Murzin (divisions 1-7 of section 2 - Prince. 1), candidate of historical sciences A.V. Simonenko (division 8 of section 2 - Prince. 1; Division 6, Section 1 - Book 2), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S.D. Kryzhitsky (section 3 - Prince. 1), Doctor of Historical Sciences D.N. Kozak (divisions I - 5 sections - Prince. 2), Doctor of Historical Sciences A.P. Motsya (divisions 3, 6-8 of section 2 - Prince. 2). illustrations were selected by the authors and made by artists M. M. Ievlev and P. L. Kornienko, black and white photographs and color slides were made mainly by G. and. Lysenko and M.Sh. Petkovsky. At the end of Prince. 2 placed additional materials, in particular a dictionary of special terms used in the text.

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