BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Мировая художественная культура Средние века Часть II, кни...
Мировая художественная культура Средние века Часть II, книга 1, 2-е изд. - Лисичкина О.Б. 2001 DJVU АСТ, Астрель BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
US $5.82

Мировая художественная культура Средние века Часть II, книга 1, 2-е изд.
Author: Лисичкина О.Б.
Year: 2001
Number of pages: 208
Format: DJVU
File size: 31 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Культура

The textbook presents material on the history of medieval culture as the most important stage in the artistic development of mankind. The Middle Ages were the time of the birth of modern nations, the formation of their culture, the creation of literature in national languages ​ ​ - in other words, the foundation of modern civilization was laid.

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