BOOKS - FOREIGN LANGUAGES - Английская грамматика в схемах и таблицах (2019)...
Английская грамматика в схемах и таблицах (2019) - В. А. Державина 2019 PDF Язык Русский Пособие содержит базовый курс английской грамматики. Рассматриваются такие темы, как ар BOOKS FOREIGN LANGUAGES
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Английская грамматика в схемах и таблицах (2019)
Author: В. А. Державина
Year: 2019
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The manual contains a basic English grammar course. Topics such as the article, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, times, the use of the infinitive, the translation of direct speech into indirect speech, etc. are considered. The material is presented in clear and visual diagrams and tables, which contributes to quick and high-quality assimilation. The manual can be taught and repeated. An indispensable assistant in learning English. The publication is intended for anyone learning English.

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