BOOKS - PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS - Праздничные свечи Техника. Приемы. Изделия...
Праздничные свечи Техника. Приемы. Изделия - Ермакова И. (ред.) 2001 PDF АСТ-Пресс BOOKS PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS
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Праздничные свечи Техника. Приемы. Изделия
Author: Ермакова И. (ред.)
Year: 2001
Format: PDF
File size: 172 MB

After reading this book, you will learn how to make all kinds of candles yourself - engraved, carved, twisted, etc. - as well as original candlesticks, lamps, flashlights, lamps. With the help of all this, you can decorate your house, garden, veranda, balcony, make even a weekday festive - after all, a candle light not only shines in the dark, but also warms souls. And this is especially nice if the candle is beautiful, elegant, exquisite, and even DIY.

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