BOOKS - SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT - Подвижные игры в спортивной подготовке студентов...
Подвижные игры в спортивной подготовке студентов -  1977 DJVU | PDF Минск, «Вышэйшая школа» BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT
USDt 9.75


Подвижные игры в спортивной подготовке студентов
Year: 1977
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10 MB

One of the effective means to promote the training of athletes is outdoor games - a kind of model for forming a certain psychological stereotype among athletes. Mobile games are widely used not only in sports training, but also in physical education classes, positively affecting the formation and education of moral, volitional, moral qualities...

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