BOOKS - HISTORY - Первые русские мастера. Выдающиеся шахматисты мира...
Первые русские мастера. Выдающиеся шахматисты мира - Линдер И.М. 1979 PDF Физкультура и Спорт BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 7.65


Первые русские мастера. Выдающиеся шахматисты мира
Author: Линдер И.М.
Year: 1979
Format: PDF
File size: 91.0 MB
Language: RU

This book belongs to the pen of the candidate of historical sciences I.M. Linder, the author of many works on the history of chess. The book is the result of his many years of research into the life and work of prominent Russian chess players of the 19th century. The best games show the contribution of these masters to chess art, the importance of their activities for creating a domestic chess school. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers.

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