BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Традиционные игры и игрушки народов Крайнего Северо-Восток...
Традиционные игры и игрушки народов Крайнего Северо-Востока России - Фролова А.Н. 2003 PDF Кордис BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Традиционные игры и игрушки народов Крайнего Северо-Востока России
Author: Фролова А.Н.
Year: 2003
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

On the basis of numerous studies of ethnographers, historians, teachers and the author's extensive practical experience in popularizing the upbringing and traditional games of children of the peoples of the Far North-East (in particular, the Chukchi, Eskimos, Evens, Koryaks), a unique material on the traditional upbringing of the younger generation of these peoples in the game is summarized and presented.

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