-------------------- YOULIBR - Торты, выпечные изделия, пельмени, вареники Атаманюк Н.А. PDF 1993 BOOKS COOKING torty-vypechnye-izdeliya-pelmeni-vareniki
BOOKS - COOKING - Торты, выпечные изделия, пельмени, вареники...
Торты, выпечные изделия, пельмени, вареники - Атаманюк Н.А. 1993 PDF СПб. Стикс BOOKS COOKING
US $9.89

Торты, выпечные изделия, пельмени, вареники
Author: Атаманюк Н.А.
Year: 1993
Format: PDF
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

Choosing a recipe from the book offered to your attention, anyone, even a novice hostess, will be able to make a tasty and beautiful cake, aromatic baked goods, dumplings, dumplings and even pancakes. The compilers tried to choose recipes for the most interesting and simply prepared dough products.