-------------------- YOULIBR - Московский журнал. История государства Российского PDF 2020 / Январь MAGAZINES HISTORICAL moskovskiy-zhurnal-istoriya-gosudarstva-rossiyskogo-1-2020
MAGAZINES - HISTORICAL - Московский журнал. История государства Российского...
Московский журнал. История государства Российского -  2020 / Январь PDF АО «Редакция газеты “Вечерняя Москва”» MAGAZINES HISTORICAL
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Московский журнал. История государства Российского
Year: 2020 / Январь
Format: PDF
File size: 77 MB
Language: RU

"Moscow Journal. The history of the Russian state "publishes historical and cultural materials based on reliable sources. Topics:
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4 WORKS&DAYS. "The Moscow Journal is my destiny." For the anniversary of the editor-in-chief Anna Filippovna Grushina. 16 ISTOKOVLARISA Efremovna Kolesnikova In the wake of an unusual autograph. Pages of the biography of the pilot-aviator and aircraft industrialist Vladimir Alexandrovich Lebedev (1881-1947) 30 EXPLORE, RESTORE, SBERBANK Viktor Vladimirovich Zubarev, Vladimir Alexandrovich Kiprin lived and worked here... About the Moscow estate of the artist Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov (1735-1808) 40 LIGHT OF MEMORY Ekaterina Adolfovna BergOne from Polezhaevs. About illustrator Alexander Georgievich Polezhaev (1894-1963) 48 STORIES FROM THE PAST Alexander Sergeevich KirillovFabricants. The Rabeneck family in Russia (1829-1917) 57 COMPATRIOTS Elena Maksimovna Shukhova Ivan Ivanovich Rerberg (1869-1932). To the 150th anniversary of birth81 HISTORY, STORIES... Kirill Valerievich Zhizhkevich "On the wall" and backhand!. " From the history of fist fights in Moscow