BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Хватит быть Славным Парнем как добиться желаемого в лю...
Хватит быть Славным Парнем как добиться желаемого в любви, работе и жизни - Гловер Р. 2014 PDF М. Альпина Паблишер BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
US $8.94

Хватит быть Славным Парнем как добиться желаемого в любви, работе и жизни
Author: Гловер Р.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

We all know such men: they are sweet and courteous, always ready to help, often to the detriment of their own interests. Even the most conscientious loved ones of nice guys cannot resist the temptation to take advantage of their kindness, they are remembered only when something is needed from them, and even unfamiliar people ride on their necks, dangling their legs. But what do the nice guys get in return? Lack of a normal personal life, mediocre work without the prospect of promotion and a crowd of pseudo-friends. What to do? There is a way out! In this book you will find an effective program of healing from the glorious guy syndrome. These are not just some interesting ideas to try and forget.

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