AUDIOBOOKS - FICTION - Аскольдова невеста
Аскольдова невеста -  релиза аудиокниги 2019 MP3 Клуб любителей аудиокниг IX век, Древняя Русь. Рыжеволосая ладожанка Дивляна, Огнедева, несущая в с AUDIOBOOKS FICTION
US $8.98

Аскольдова невеста
Year: релиза аудиокниги 2019
Format: MP3
File size: 429 MB
Language: RU
Genre: историческое фэнтези

IX century, Ancient Russia. The red-haired lady of Divlyana, Ognedeva, carrying the blessing of the sun goddess, should become the wife of the distant Kyiv prince Askold! The choice of gender is the law for her, but not for the prince of Krivichi Stanislav. He never saw the face of the one he now claims, and a similar slave took her place at the wedding feast. What awaits both girls if the deception is revealed?

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