BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Проектирование турбогенераторов...
Проектирование турбогенераторов - Хуторецкий Г.М., Токов М.И., Толвинская Е.В. 1987 PDF Л Энергоатомиздат BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Проектирование турбогенераторов
Author: Хуторецкий Г.М., Токов М.И., Толвинская Е.В.
Year: 1987
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

Main dimensions, electromagnetic loads and winding data of turbogenerators with indirect and direct cooling of windings at rotation frequencies 3000 and 1500 rpm and capacities up to 1000 - 1200 MW inclusive are given. Recommendations on the selection of the main parameters are based on theoretical assumptions, experience in designing and manufacturing of turbine generators of various capacities.

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