BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Как организовали внезапное нападение 22 июня 1941. Заговор...
Как организовали внезапное нападение 22 июня 1941. Заговор Сталина. Причины и следствия - Шапталов Борис Николаевич 2015 FB2 | MOBI | EPUB Центрполиграф BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
US $8.51


Как организовали внезапное нападение 22 июня 1941. Заговор Сталина. Причины и следствия
Author: Шапталов Борис Николаевич
Year: 2015
Format: FB2 | MOBI | EPUB
File size: 11,6 MB
Language: RU

How can a ruler substitute his state? And if the question is formulated in this way, then, most likely, the number of those who argue that "this is impossible because it is impossible" will certainly decrease significantly. Names will come to mind... Gorbachev, for example. Or Yeltsin. And those who are seriously interested in history can remember Nicholas II. Alas, the rulers of Russia substituted their state more than once or twice. So at first, the seeming "nonsense" suddenly begins to seem like a version that makes sense to consider, and then decide whether this is a whitewash or such a risky statement about the artificial nature of the "sudden" attack has its own good reason.

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